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  • Ausbau und INSITU Trennung von Kunstrasensystemen
  • Ausbau des kompletten Kunstrasensystems
  • Ausbau und Verwertung von Sand und Infill
  • Rückbau elastische Schichten (EL) und elastische Tragschichten (ET)
  • Reset-Verfahren
  • Ausbau und INSITU Trennung von Kunstrasensystemen
  • Ausbau des kompletten Kunstrasensystems
  • Ausbau und Verwertung von Sand und Infill
  • Rückbau elastische Schichten (EL) und elastische Tragschichten (ET)
  • Reset-Verfahren


For the removal and separation of an artificial turf system, the mass of the components is of particular importance. While the artificial turf itself usually accounts for less than 10% of the mass, the sand in a 40 mm artificial turf system, for example, dominates with more than 70% of the mass.

As a result, more than 35,000 tons of waste materials from deconstructed artificial turf systems are produced each year in Germany alone. However, only a small percentage of this comes from the artificial turf itself. The separation of the individual components is therefore all the more important for reuse and recycling.

For the removal and separation of an artificial turf system, the mass of the components is of particular importance. While the artificial turf itself usually accounts for less than 10% of the mass, the sand in a 40 mm artificial turf system, for example, dominates with more than 70% of the mass.

As a result, more than 35,000 tons of waste materials from deconstructed artificial turf systems are produced each year in Germany alone. However, only a small percentage of this comes from the artificial turf itself. The separation of the individual components is therefore all the more important for reuse and recycling.


Separating the individual components of the artificial turf system on site offers the advantage that the individual materials can be fed directly from the construction site into different recycling and recovery streams or reused directly on site. In some cases, this saves considerable transport distances and thus protects the environment.

Depending on the specifications of the client, separation can take place in two ways:
– separation of infill (rubber), sand and artificial turf
– separation of artificial turf and sand-rubber mixture
Separating the individual components of the artificial turf system on site offers the advantage that the individual materials can be fed directly from the construction site into different recycling and recovery streams or reused directly on site. In some cases, this saves considerable transport distances and thus protects the environment.

Depending on the specifications of the client, separation can take place in two ways:
– separation of infill (rubber), sand and artificial turf
– separation of artificial turf and sand-rubber mixture


Zum Ausbau eines kompletten Kunst­rasen­systems eignet sich die so­genannte Cut- and Roll-Methode. Dabei verbleibt das Infill im Kunst­rasen. Dieser wird in Bahnen ge­schnitten und anschließend auf­gerollt. Die Methode eignet sich insbesondere für den Rückbau von Hockey­kunst­rasen, da diese in der Regel Voll­kunst­stoff­rasen sind.

Der Vor­teil liegt im schnelleren Aus­bau. An­schließend muss das gesamte Rasen­system jedoch zu einer Ver­wertungs­stelle gefahren werden, in der die einzelnen Komponenten erst voneinander ge­trennt und ver­wertet werden können.

To remove a complete artificial turf system, the so-called cut and roll method is suitable. The infill remains in the artificial turf. This is cut into strips and then rolled up. This method is particularly suitable for removing artificial field hockey turf, as this is usually full synthetic turf.

The advantage lies in the faster removal. However, the entire turf system must then be transported to a recycling center where the individual components can first be separated and recycled.


In addition to our removal, recycling and transportation services, we also offer life-extending services. This includes the removal of performance infill components such as rubber, EPDM or TPE to avoid microplastics or due to incipient clumping and bonding.
In addition to our removal, recycling and transportation services, we also offer life-extending services. This includes the removal of performance infill components such as rubber, EPDM or TPE to avoid microplastics or due to incipient clumping and bonding.


Many elastic layers (EL) and elastic base layers (ET) are still conventionally recycled after removal. This means that the removal is followed by the removal and recycling of the approx. 200-250 tons of old material. It is then crushed and used as backfill material in the thermal process, provided that the appropriate permits have been obtained..

If EL or ET are to be renewed, the same quantity of material is usually re-procured and transported to the construction site. This results in more than 20 semitrailer truck trips for the outward and return journeys.

Many elastic layers (EL) and elastic base layers (ET) are still conventionally recycled after removal. This means that the removal is followed by the removal and recycling of the approx. 200-250 tons of old material. It is then crushed and used as backfill material in the thermal process, provided that the appropriate permits have been obtained..

If EL or ET are to be renewed, the same quantity of material is usually re-procured and transported to the construction site. This results in more than 20 semitrailer truck trips for the outward and return journeys.


With the reset process, PR Recycling is the first company worldwide to offer on-site recycling of elastic (load-bearing) layers. The recycled material can then be installed with fresh binder to form a new and certified elastic (load-bearing) layer. With this process, PR Recycling closes the loop. You save money and protect the environment. For more information, please contact us!
With the reset process, PR Recycling is the first company worldwide to offer on-site recycling of elastic (load-bearing) layers. The recycled material can then be installed with fresh binder to form a new and certified elastic (load-bearing) layer. With this process, PR Recycling closes the loop. You save money and protect the environment. For more information, please contact us!


We are one of the few specialized waste management companies able to recycle all components of your artificial turf system in all steps - from analysis and removal, to on-site separation, reuse, material and other recycling, and finally to recyclable material.

With our experience, we can draw on a comprehensive knowledge of installed artificial turf systems over the past 30 years. A detailed description of the artificial turf system to be recycled in the tender nevertheless makes it easier for us to prepare an environmentally sound and professional offer. This includes descriptions of the type of artificial turf components and, if applicable, their composition and their masses, such as sand and infill.

A calculation can be made at a flat rate, per square meter or by the ton. It always makes sense to specify the corresponding waste code (AVV) per component. If material analyses are available, they should ideally be attached to the tender.

Wir sind als einer der wenigen Entsorgungs­fachbetriebe in der Lage, sämtliche Komponenten Ihres Kunst­rasen­systems in allen Schritten zu verwerten – von der Analyse und den Aus­bau, über die Trennung vor Ort, die Wieder­verwendung, das stoffliche und sonstige Re­cycling bis hin zum Wert­stoff.

Mit unserer Er­fahrung greifen wir dabei zurück, auf ein um­fassendes Wissen, was verbaute Kunst­rasen­systeme der letzten 30 Jahre betrifft. Eine detaillierte Beschreibung des zu verwertenden Kunst­rasen­systems in der Aus­schreibung, erleichtert es uns dennoch, ein umwelt- und fach­gerechtes Angebot zu erstellen. Dazu gehören Beschreibungen über die Art der Kunst­rasen-Komponenten und gegebenen­falls deren Zusammen­setzung und ihre Massen, wie Sand und Infill.

Eine Berechnung kann pauschal, pro Quadratmeter oder nach Tonnen erfolgen. Eine Angabe der entsprechenden Abfall­schlüssel (AVV) pro Komponente ist dabei immer sinnvoll. Sollten Material­analysen vorliegen, sind diese idealer­weise der Aus­schreibung beizufügen.

Als Auftrag­gebende können Sie zudem An­gaben zur gewünschten Qualifikation des Ausbau- und Verwertung­sunter­nehmens machen. Nach­weisen lassen können Sie sich diese durch Zulassungen oder Zertifikate, wie z. B. Prä­qualifikation BAU, zertifizierter Entsorgungs­fachbetrieb (EfB) EU-Lizenz für Speditionen oder dem Qualitäts­management nach DIN ISO 9001.